Happy New Year!!!! Have you missed us??? 😆 Since Bev and I have been on “hiatus” for while, we thought the new year would be a good time to share our latest adventure! Have you heard about ice baths? Where you sit in a tub of ice after a workout?
No, Bev and I have NOT done that! But these are really a thing now. They’re even offered at fancy resorts, where you can pay a small fee for the pleasure of being submerged in a barrel filled with ice with the help of an “instructor” 😳 We have a friend who has been doing post-workout ice baths for awhile now, and thinks they’re an important part of conditioning. He even has a tub in his backyard just for this purpose!
So, at the end of December this friend asked a group of us if we’d like to do a Polar Bear Plunge on New Years Day at a local beach. You’ve probably seen many of these on social media posts and videos over the years. Truthfully, I always did a bit of an eye roll when I saw them; I have enough trouble getting into a warm indoor heated pool in winter. But peer pressure and FOMO are a dangerous combination, so I decided to join my friends and take the plunge!
But hear me out – it really wasn’t THAT bad – in fact we all agreed to do it again next year. And for me the worst part was actually the anticipation leading up to it. (Although I must confess that 43 degrees and sunny is pretty mild for January in New England!) But it was a great feeling coming out of that frigid 45 degree water and getting back on dry land and into my warm cozy towel! However, the best part about doing something so crazy, was being with a group of friends. Bev was also lucky enough to have her kids join in the fun. (can’t see my crew partaking in this anytime soon) We even made it into a local magazine Instagram post!
Bev and I have written several times that being able to do an activity with friends is one of the keys to making exercise such a positive experience. Not only is it much more tolerable (and even fun!) but it makes you more accountable. It’s a lot harder to blow something off when you have friends sending nagging text reminders the night before. So, whether it’s hiking, pickle ball or going for a walk, invite a few friends to join you.